Pathways to Homeownership…
Neighboring Academy High School Modules
The Neighboring Academy uses 8 developmental modules that progressively challenges and supports high school students in design thinking. Our program brings together strategic partners in education, industry, and housing systems to create experiential learning opportunities that are organized in pathways that promise to position our students for homeownership.
As opposed to creating a new private school, the Neighboring Academy operates within existing school systems to link education, industry, and housing to prepare students to responsibly enter a local neighborhood while equipping them to own their own homes.
High school students enrolled in the Neighboring Academy are given specialized instruction in educational makerspaces as well as through authentic work experiences and service projects in their local neighborhood to break intergenerational cycles of poverty and foster positive social relationships.
Students must apply to join the Neighboring Academy. Accepted students join cohorts of 10-12 of their peers with a 1:5 educator to student ratio to ensure that instruction is personalized and learning plans are customized.
We use design thinking to develop 21st Century Skills like communication, collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking.
Module 1: Rising 9th Graders (Summer)
As a result of this module students receive:
- An introduction to neighboring and the Neighboring Academy.
- An opportunity to begin an employment history and earn $15 an hour in paid work experience.
- Financial literacy including a personal checking & saving account.
- Exposure to career experts and multiple career opportunities.
- Field trips to innovative places, businesses, and institutions of higher education.
- An introduction to entrepreneurship and how to create a business plan.
- Opportunities for community engagement and service-learning in the local neighborhood.
- Scholarships
Module 1 orients accepted students & their families to the Neighboring Academy.
Module 2: 9th Grade Year
As a result of this module student receive:
- Workforce 101
- Housing & Neighboring 101
- Basic work & safety practices
- Practice in interviewing techniques and completing applications.
- Business planning basics & goal setting
- Opportunities to engage in service-learning projects in the neighborhood
- Field trips to give exposure to college & different kinds of career opportunities
- Exposure to the stages of “Design Thinking”
- Scholarships
Module 2 is considered “candidacy” where students & Program Directors can determine future program fit.
Module 3: Rising 10th Graders (Summer)
As a result of this module students receive:
- Experience collaborating with peers in project-based learning opportunities.
- An opportunity to diversify their employment history and earn $15 an hour in paid work experience.
- Financial literacy including how to establish a strong credit history.
- Access to make career connections with experts & government leaders who span many different sectors.
- Field trips to innovative places, businesses, and institutions of higher education.
- Introduction to personal branding and marketing.
- Opportunities for community engagement and neighborhood service.
- Scholarships
Module 3 is where students are engaged in more specialized interest-based projects.
Module 4: 10th Grade
As a result of this module student receive:
- Housing & Neighboring 201
- Practice implementing “Design Thinking” to refine 21st Century Skills.
- Ongoing instruction in professionalism including work & safety practices.
- Practice in resume writing, mock interviewing, and personal branding.
- Refining business plans & entrepreneurial goal setting.
- Field trips that give more exposure to higher education, certificate / licensing programs, and various trade & career opportunities.
- Coaching on how to develop a student learning plan
- Scholarships
Module 4 is where students refine their learning plans, career goals, and learn about homeownership
Module 5: Rising 11th Graders (Summer)
As a result of this module students receive:
- Placement in an industry pathway with opportunities to shadow program partners.
- An opportunity to expand their employment history and earn $15 an hour in paid work experience.
- Support from financial specialists to build credit and plan for the future.
- Expanded access to connect with career experts and government leaders.
- Assistance pursuing dual enrollment opportunities for post secondary education and career specialization.
- Scholarships
Module 5 is when students begin career shadowing at select program partner sites.
Module 6: 11th Grade
As a result of this module student receive:
- Housing & Neighboring 301.
- A refined student learning plan.
- Out of school internships & work experiences as well as dual enrollment during afternoon periods.
- Continued instruction in professionalism and confidentiality.
- Refined resume writing, interviewing, and personal branding.
- Field trips that give more exposure to high education & career opportunities.
- Scholarships.
Module 6 is where students spend a half day at school and a half day at work with select program partners.
Module 7: Rising 12th Graders (Summer)
As a result of this module students receive:
- Advancement in an industry pathway with program partner coaches.
- Opportunities to enhance their employment history and earn $15 an hour in paid work experience.
- Support from financial specialists to build credit and plan for the future.
- Referrals and recommendations from employers and community leaders
- Assistance pursuing dual enrollment opportunities and certificate programs for post secondary education.
- Scholarships
Module 7 is where students refine their post-secondary education and career plans.
Module 8: 12th Grade
As a result of this module student receive:
- Housing & Neighboring 401(Including prospective first time home owner programs.)
- A post secondary student learning plan.
- Continued work experience including per-apprenticeships and/or dual enrollment
- Opportunities to earn certificates and attain recognition and awards for excellent work & service.
- A completed resume & portfolio of community engagement
- Scholarships
Module 8 is the culmination of the Neighboring Academy high school experience and preparation for homeownership.
Contact the Neighboring Academy
For more information on how your school or business can begin planning a partnership with the Neighboring Academy, share your interest with us.